Blockchain technology allows exchanges of information and transactions through technical encryption that provides security and guarantees to users. Thanks to this technology, to carry out transactions, it does not require a centralised intermediary to identify and certify the information, leaving Bockchain distributed in multiple independent nodes within the blockchain network that register and validate without the need for trust between them. The nodes store exact copies of the information, allowing traceable and unfalsifiable transactions to be carried out.
The potential of Blockchain goes beyond the obvious impact on the banking and financial sector, sectors such as insurance, energy, construction, pharmaceuticals, etc. are effectively applying this technology.
Taking into account the strong impact and transcendence that this technology is having in the different industries and their present investments to involve it in their common operations, at CSC Group we have decided to join this trend and train our professionals, as well as involve experts in the field, both to develop new infrastructure that supports any industry with Blockchain technology involved, as well as to provide support and advisory and consulting services in this matter, helping our clients to fully integrate technology within their business, generating from the beginning an added and differential value.